One Nepal

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Katmandu to Kathmandu, Part I

For many years now, the way Kathmandu is misspelt by most of the international press core has been of great annoyance to me. I do not understand why so many in the international press core stubbornly continue to assassinate the fourth letter in the name of my home city and spell it as Katmandu despite the prevalence in Nepal and South Asia of the spelling that includes the letter h.

Five years ago, I wrote a letter to The Economist complaining that their spelling of Kathmandu as Katmandu was absolutely incorrect. But I never heard from them. As of February 9, 2006, they were still spelling Kathmandu incorrectly. I don't know what changed on March 23, 2006. But from that day onwards, they started spelling Kathmandu correctly. Much kudos to whoever was successful in making an otherwise fine publication correct this misspelling. New York Times and Washington Post: now it is your turn to rectify your erroneous obstinacy.


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